My Not That Exciting but Perfectly Fine Life

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” Frederick Keonig

Friday, June 30, 2006

Gerson and Betsy

Here's a picture of my sister and husband....well he wasn't her husband in this picture...that was one of my reasons for going to check out the boyfriend and see if he's worthy. Well, thankfully I found out he's a great guy who loves Betsy, loves the Lord, and loves his family. My family was glad to hear a positive report when I arrived home.

Jamie at 4:42 PM


Coke in a Bag

Here I am holding coke in a bag. There's not enough cups to go around I guess. So, a straw and a plain plastic bag will do. I had to keep reminding myself not to set my drink down. It would have just ended up in a big puddle much to my dismay.

Jamie at 4:38 PM


Riding on a Motorcycle Taxi

It just so happens it was the first time I had ever ridden a motercyle taxi. I have no clue who the guy is that is driving. Betsy managed to take this photo while on another motorcycle taxi. I guess this is one of the common ways of traveling in Trinidad, Bolivia. It was quite fun and as you can imagine...I was laughing the whole way.

Jamie at 4:31 PM


Remembering my first trip to Bolivia

Well, I just realized that this week marks my first anniversary of stepping foot on Bolivian soil. It's funny to think I've been there twice now. I'm not so sure my next visit will be so soon unfortunately. My pocket book and vacation time is limited especially when I have a trip to the Dominican Republic to fit in sometime in the next two years. Although I never thought I'd make it to Bolivia twice in one who knows what could happen? I thought I'd share some pictures from my first trip to Bolivia and then catch you up on my second trip for Betsy's wedding a little later.

Jamie at 4:22 PM


Monday, June 26, 2006

My Very First Posting

Here I sit at a loss for words for my first post. This blogging thing is entirely new for me, so you'll have to be patient with me as I get the feel for it. I'm watching the World Cup. Austrailia and Italy are playing and the score is 0-0. The game is almost someone better get moving I think. I'm enjoing a long weekend away from home with a couple of really good friends, Claire and Carole. We've been reminicing about our college days since we all roomed together. They inspired me to set up this blog since Claire and her husband are moving to the the Dominican Repulic in a little over a month and Carole lives in Canada. So, this is a fun way for them to keep in touch with good ole Indiana life. Oh, Italy just scored with a penalty kick in the last few seconds of the game. Carole and Claire are quite disappointed. I'm not really partial to any team. But, what a way to end the game. With that, I'll sign off for now.

Jamie at 1:00 PM
