My Not That Exciting but Perfectly Fine Life

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” Frederick Keonig

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

November has been filled with many good things! I started it off spending a much needed girl’s weekend with Claire. We enjoyed some shopping, some girl talk, and the warmth of a fire in my fireplace. We also celebrated her birthday. It’s hard to believe she’s 27 years old! That means I’m soon to follow. How is it that my 20s are flying by so fast?

The following week Jayden was born. I’ve spent much of my time and energy since then either with Betsy, Gerson, and Jayden or preparing their home for them to move into once Jayden is released from the NICU. We also had a little family reunion last weekend. Andy, Elissa, and Joshua came down and got to meet Jayden. It was great to be together, play games, and be entertained by Joshua. He’s still simply adorable and full of energy.

As Thanksgiving Day draws nearer, I’ve been pondering on all that I’m thankful for. So, I thought I’d share them with you.

I could go on for a long time listing things I’m thankful for. But this covers the meat and potatoes of what I’m thankful for. I hope and pray you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day wherever you are. My heart is full with gratitude. May your heart be filled to the brim and overflowing with thankfulness as well.

Jamie at 6:34 PM


Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm an Aunt Again!

What a week it's been! They decided to start the process of inducing Betsy on Monday night because her health was continuing to become more fragile. The Dr. was concerned more for her health and knew Jayden would be fine if he was born at any point. I drove down and picked up my cousin Amy on the way Monday afternoon. Amy has had two high risk pregnancies and was willing to stand in the gap while my Mom and Dad were in route. Having never had a baby…I was so glad Amy was there to give Betsy helpful tips and coach her through the process.

Mom and Dad’s flight was supposed to arrive at 8:40 p.m. but their plane got delayed due to engine complications. Wouldn’t you know it? Doesn’t the plane know a baby’s being born! Come on! They quickly figured out a way to reroute their journey in time to arrive by midnight. Our cousin Tim picked them up and they got to the hospital around 1 a.m. Betsy was so happy to see them as were the rest of us.
Gerson is such a wonderful husband to Betsy. We watched him sit next to Betsy, hold her hand, and smooch her every now and then. It was evident he was absolutely exhausted, but he was determined to be in this for the long haul. Betsy’s blood pressure spiked up too high around 11 p.m. so they gave her an epidural at that point…hoping it would help her blood pressure to go down some. It did along with the help of some other medication. We were grateful for that because we didn’t want to have to make any big decisions before Mom and Dad arrived.
Early in the evening Betsy started having contractions. Amy and I started to quote The Princess Bride and Betsy soon joined in. Whenever she was talking she didn’t feel the pain of the contraction. So, we got into a rhythm of asking her questions to get her to talk for a while. It was a good focus point for her.
The night was long and hard on Betsy. Gerson and Mom stayed with her while Amy, my Dad, and I went back to Liz’s house to get a few hours of sleep. We were back at the hospital on Tuesday morning and Betsy looked tired and ready to be done with this whole labor process. They let her continue though until about 1 p.m. when they decided her body wasn’t cooperating to have a natural birth and it was time for them to have a birthday party via c-section. Gerson went in with Betsy during the whole c-section process and held her hand.

So at 2:05 p.m. Jayden Adriel Tejeda was born. Jayden means God has heard and Adriel means a member of God’s flock. Very appropriate for all that this little one has been through. He’s actually 2 lb 6 oz. I had been misinformed previously. He is 14 inches long and his lungs are very strong. They had to put a breathing tube in his chest because the medicine Betsy was on affected his breathing. As soon as the effects of that medicine wore off though they removed the tube and then gave him oxygen through his nostrils. Today, he’s completely off oxygen and is doing well. The Dr. doesn’t think the calcification in Jayden’s liver is anything to be concerned about at this time. They are keeping a close watch on it but don’t anticipate any complications from it. So, we’re praising the Lord for that!
Betsy said he’s a little fighter. Yesterday he kept sticking his foot out from under the blanket and kept trying to remove the blind fold he had on since they put him under a bilirubin light for jondus. The light should be taken off in a couple of days.

Betsy is still in the hospital and hopes to be released on Saturday. She’s doing well considering all she’s gone through. Yesterday and last night were hard, but today was a better day. In fact, she got to hold Jayden for the first time today! She was a very happy Mama, and the nurse said Jayden was the happiest he’d been all day when he was in his Mama’s arms.

In other news, Gerson is headed back to Bolivia this Monday, November 17 and will be there until December 3. He has to return so he can defend his thesis on November 25th and also so he can finish packing up their house. Please pray for him specifically on the 25th and leading up to it as his thesis defense is the last requirement he needs to fulfill before he can graduate. He has been functioning on little sleep of late, so your prayers for him to have clarity of mind, rest leading up to the defense, and the ability to present his thesis well are invited and welcome!
In light of Gerson being gone, we have arranged for Aunt Hazel to be with and care for Betsy next week. Aunt Betsy will be flying in right after Aunt Hazel leaves to care for Betsy during Thanksgiving week. I will also be with both Betsy and Aunt Betsy over Thanksgiving. We’ll probably find a restaurant on Thanksgiving Day and let them do the cooking and the dishes. While I enjoy cooking, especially for the holidays, I think I’ll be completely fine with letting a restaurant have the honors this year.

This weekend we’re going to have a Bennett Family reunion. Everyone will be here except for Peter (we’ll miss you Pete!). Andy, Elissa, and Joshua are driving down from Wisconsin with Elissa’s parents. Mom and Dad will be there already, and I’m heading down after work tomorrow. It will be so nice to have us all together. Mom and Dad head back to Florida on Monday, but it won’t be long before we’re all back together again since we plan to have Christmas in Indiana. We’re praying Betsy and Gerson will get to bring Jayden home for Christmas.

Jamie at 9:10 PM
